Carl Freeman, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

The Florida Hip Symposium is an annual meeting of clinicians who treat hip disorders. We focus on a collaborative approach which integrates perspectives across healthcare for the benefit of our patients. From doctors and surgeons to physical therapists and athletic trainers, collaborative hip care begins with learning from each other!
Femoroacetabular Impingement
Overview, Non-surgical Treatment, Surgical Treatment, Post-Surgical Treatment
Hip Dysplasia
Overview, Non-surgical Treatment, Surgical Treatment, Post-Surgical Treatment
Hip Arthritis
Overview and Non-surgical Treatment
Return to sports after hip replacement
Extra-articular Hip Disorders
Anterior Hip Conditions (Sports Hernia, Groin and Hip Flexor Strains)
Posterior Hip and Deep Gluteal Space (Piriformis Syndrome)
Lateral Hip and Peritrochanteric (Hip Bursitis, Gluteal Tendon Tears)
Physical Examination Techniques for the Hip
Hands-On Demonstration of Special Tests, Evaluation Pearls, Clinical Decision Making
Modalities in the Treatment of the Hip
Acoustic Compression/Shockwave Therapy, Low Level Laser Therapy, Dry Needling, Percussion Massage
Hip Anatomy Review
Hip Layers Concepts, Physical Landmarks, Bony Anatomy And Morphology Measures
Imaging in the Examination of the Hip
X-Ray, MRI, CT Review of Pathological Hip Conditions
Join us as we combine the perspectives of physical therapists and physicians in the treatment of hip disorders during a combined medical education event.

About the venue
Situated on the sweeping white sands and sparkling waves of the Atlantic Ocean, One Ocean Resort is a refuge for relaxation. We beckon guests with luxurious amenities and lavish suites featuring views of the rolling surf that is the signature of the Atlantic Ocean.
Don't forget to reserve your room.